Results for "trusted advisor" Articles

Installing Level 2 Charger Increases Satisfaction, But is Disjointed Process

With transportation accounting for the greatest percentage of greenhouse gas emissions, and electrification of the sector as a common solution to achieving state and utility decarbonization goals, the importance of electric vehicle adoption is well understood by...

Helping Customers Navigate the Electric Vehicle Experience

Ratepayers have long indicated their preference that their electric utility be involved with the installation of EVSE, whether it means the utility’s employees or a third party recommended or engaged by the utility. They are likely to contact you for information on local contractors who are available to safely install their chargers – HomeServe’s research found that nearly 30 percent will turn to their utilities for charger help. However, having a charger close at hand doesn’t completely relieve them of anxiety, because nearly three-quarters worry about their Level-2 charger malfunctioning or breaking.

Energy Efficiency: Why Are Some Homeowners Unengaged?

Energy efficiency is an important part of many utilities’ demand-side management and outreach efforts, but your message may be ignored, or your customer simply may not be able afford the repairs, replacements or upgrades needed to make their homes more energy...

New Realities in an Evolving Energy Landscape

With the energy industry in the midst of an evolution, utilities understand the need for transformation from a role of commodity supplier to their “ratepayers,” to a trusted advisor on a range of energy issues to a more sophisticated and demanding population of...
Helping Customers Navigate the Electric Vehicle Experience

Helping Customers Navigate the Electric Vehicle Experience

Ratepayers have long indicated their preference that their electric utility be involved with the installation of EVSE, whether it means the utility’s employees or a third party recommended or engaged by the utility. They are likely to contact you for information on local contractors who are available to safely install their chargers – HomeServe’s research found that nearly 30 percent will turn to their utilities for charger help. However, having a charger close at hand doesn’t completely relieve them of anxiety, because nearly three-quarters worry about their Level-2 charger malfunctioning or breaking.

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