As extreme weather events surge through each season, resulting in power outages and other loss of services, homeowners...
Mike VanHorne Articles
HomeServe Launches Diversity and Inclusion Business Resource Groups
In an effort to involve our employees in helping to shape HomeServe’s culture of inclusion, HomeServe launched...
HomeServe Tackles Young Couple’s Main Sewer Line Repair
The couple bought the home knowing that the sewer line would need attention, and Adam and a friend rented equipment...
HomeServe Cares Helps Salt Lake Resident Replace Clay Sewer Line
Helen T. of Salt Lake City knew she needed to do something about her clay sewer line – it had gotten to the point that...
Millennials’ Buying Habits Continue to Impact Energy
By 2025, Millennials will make up to 75 percent of the work force, as the next largest generation, the Baby Boomers,...
The Costs of Moving Forward With Grid Modernization
We know that our energy infrastructure is out-of-date and customers are looking for varied and new services. However,...
HomeServe Helps Yonkers Resident Solve a Serious Problem
Evangeline G. of Yonkers, New York, noticed many of her neighbours were experiencing water line breaks, especially...
Furnace Tune Up: Better Late Than Never, but Right Now is Even Better!
It might not feel like it right now, but colder weather is right around the corner. That makes it the perfect time to...
HomeServe Helps WWII Veteran Stay in Home
Paul T. was living his retirement years surrounded by his family, sharing his Waukegan, Illinois, home with the...
Smart Homes: Energy’s Next Frontier
No one is quite sure what the next generation of smart homes will look like, but a great many of your consumers want...
Value-Added Services Are the Future for Utilities
Provinces are deregulating electricity, forcing utilities to offer lower prices to be competitive with retail...