The town of Oceanside, New York typically only sees a few severe storms every year. So, when local resident and...
Education Articles
HomeServe Ensures a Bright 2022 Holiday Season for Customers
The holidays can be a glorious time of togetherness, giving, and wonderful memories. Unfortunately, for some of...
Consumer Electrical Problems: To Whom Should Your Residents Turn?
Consumers depend on electricity for their light, heat or air conditioning, refrigeration and access to their digital...
Alternative Energy Sources Inaccessible to Many Low Income Canadians
Solar panel prices have seen a sustained drop – more than 70 percent since 2009 – but it costs approximately $22,500...
Gas Line Warranty Option Protects Your Residents from the Cold
When something goes wrong with a resident’s utility service, the first thing they do is turn to their provider. Most...
Is Old Wiring Risking Your Resident’s Safety?
Many homeowners never wonder if their house has an old wiring system, plugging all sorts of devices in for regular...
Service Line Protection Available for Canadian Homeowners
Did you know that necessary repairs to the water and sewer service lines that run between your home and the public...
Smart Home Monitoring Tops 2018 Trends for Homeowners
A new article in T&D World predicts renewables, smart home monitoring, AI and IoT will have a massive impact on...
HVAC Tune Up Time for Homeowners
This fall has been unseasonably warm, winter and bad weather is just around the corner. All too often, homeowners...
How to Choose a Contractor
When you have an electrical or plumbing problem, the last thing you want to do is hire the wrong contractor. A bad...
Hamilton Sees $1M in Repairs with Service Line Warranties of Canada
HAMILTON, Ontario -- Three years ago, the City of Hamilton began a partnership with Service Line Warranties of Canada,...